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Sleeping badly could damage the kidneys

A recent study suggests that poor sleep and poor sleep can be a gateway to kidney disease, at least for women .
Researchers at Boston Brigham and Women's Hospital evaluated the sleep habits of thousands of women.
They found that women who slept five hours or less at night had a 65 percent increased risk of a rapid decline in kidney function.
Compared with women who slept seven to eight hours, the researchers found.
"This is worrying because as a general population, the amount of sleep we are getting has declined in the last 20 years"
Said lead investigator, Dr. Ciaran McMullan , professor of medicine.
Previously they were used to sleep an average of eight hours per night, but now it is about 6.5 hoursand declining , he said.
It is not known whether sleeping longer improves renal function or reverses the damage caused by shortened sleep, he said.

Sleeping badly and lack of sleep

McMullan cautioned that this study of decreased renal function is associated with fewer hours of sleep.
It is not that less sleep causes deterioration of kidney function. For that, more research is needed, he said.
A connection between interrupted sleep and heart disease has been studied before.

A link between sleep and reduced kidney function could be the result of medical conditions that affect kidney function, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, McMullan said.
"Diabetes is more common in people who sleep less, as is high blood pressure"

"We know that two of the major factors that decrease kidney function are diabetes and high blood pressure."
Natural body rhythms, or so-called circadian clocks , could also play an important role, McMullan said.
The kidney is programmed to function differently at night than during the day because of demands on the body that are different, he explained.
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"Perhaps short sleep and poor sleep changes the physiology of the kidney during the daily cycle, and these changes could damage the kidney"
As the population ages and as more people suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure ...
The number of people with kidney disease will increase, and lack of sleep can play an important role, he added.

Decreased renal function

"We are a society with lack of sleep," "The concern is that sleep deprivation will lead to a decrease in kidney function."
He said it is likely that the results would also apply to men, but noted that it should be studied.
The results of the study are scheduled to be presented Thursday at a meeting of the American Society of Nephrology in San Diego .
The data and conclusions should be considered as preliminary until they are published in a medical journal reviewed by professionals.
For the study, the McMullan team collected data on more than 4,200 women who participated in the study.
For 11 years, women's renal function was measured at least twice
Dr. Kenar Jhaveri, a nephrologist with the North Shore-LIJ Health System in Great Neck, NY, said the relationship between sleep and kidney disease is new to him.
"At this point I would be very cautious about giving advice to patients based on this study," he said. "Of course, I would not change any sleep habits."
Do not stop reading: Tips for a good diet .
Jhaveri said seven hours of sleep is good for health. "People who sleep too little or too much run the risk of certain disorders," he added. "In terms of kidney disease, this is something that is going to be interesting in how it is filtered out."
More information
For more information on bad sleep and kidney health, visit the National Institutes of Health .

Edward Baker Monday 13 March 2017
Tips for Dry Eye Syndrome

Read our Tips for Dry Eye Syndrome if you have this problem.Before examining the solutions, you should know more about the disease called "dry eye".
As the name implies, the eyes dry out.
This is due to the lack of lubrication of the surface of the eye, which causes a painful condition.
Turning red and irritated, you also have the sensation of having a foreign body in the eye and the vision becomes blurred.
Here are some Tips for dry eye syndrome that you should try if you have this disease, they really work.
Put them to the test and check the results.

Tips for Dry Eye Syndrome

What is the cause of this syndrome?
Note that…

Tears and dry eye

Tears contain water, lipids, antibodies and proteins: all these components of tears help keep eyes moist and lubricated, which also increases the resistance to infection of the eyes.
Dryness of the eyes is a condition caused mainly by bad lubrication of the eye, which may depend on natural aging, an eye infection ... etc.

The most severe forms of dry eye depend, on the other hand, for trauma to the eyes or for having taken certain very powerful medicines.

The most common symptoms of dry eye are:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Redness of the eyes
  • blurry vision
  • Excessive sensitivity to light
  • The sensation of having the dust or a foreign body in the eye

Herbal and herbal remedies for dry eye

Among the most effective natural remedies there are definitely herbal remedies, in fact, contain many substances with beneficial properties, which are often exploited in these types of treatments.

Lemon juice, tomato and lentil flour

An excellent remedy for dry eye is to make a lemon juice paste.
Mixed with tomato concentrate, lentil flour and turmeric powder: the paste obtained is applied under the eyes, in order to reduce the condition of dry eyes.

Castor oil and almond oil

Castor oil and almond oil helps to provide moisture in the eyes and reduce dry eye condition.
Do not miss: Tips for good health .
Both of these oils can be applied under the eyes, so that the skin around the eyes is more moist.
It is castor oil and almond oil even more efficient than many moisturizers.

The cucumber

One remedy that can be used to reduce the problem of dry eye syndrome is cucumber.
You have to get a fresh cucumber, preferably also cold and cut into slices.
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Place the cucumber slices in the eyes, to provide moisture and reduce dryness.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance found in all organisms that live in the human body.
Hyaluronic acid is used in the treatment of dry eye syndrome because when applied on the surface of the eye, it significantly reduces the symptoms and damage associated with this syndrome.

Nuts, sesame seeds, grapes, almonds and whole grains

In addition to medicinal herbs for topical use, it is worth mentioning another remedy.
Include in your diet nuts, sesame seeds, grapes, almonds and whole grain cereals helps reduce dry eye condition, as these foods contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Home Remedies for Dry Eye

Home remedies, that is, so-called traditional remedies, are very often the most effective of the treatments themselves.
So it can be very useful to try out some of these dry eye remedies.

Hot compresses

One of the simplest remedies against dry eye is to prepare a warm compress.
Wet a cloth, necessarily clean, with warm water, moistening the fabric, and apply over the eyes.
This remedy can also be done two or three times a day.

The diet

As for the diet, it is recommended to increase the intake of fish.
Do not stop reading: Tips for a good diet .
Because the oils in these foods are an excellent remedy that increases lubrication of the eyes.
Also the consumption of fish promotes the proper activity of the lacrimal ducts.
On the contrary, it could help reduce consumption of white bread, processed foods, margarine, vegetable oils and refined cereals.
In the diet, besides, a correct intake of water should not be lacking.
However, an abundant consumption of citrus and liquids such as fruit juices and green vegetables, contain nutrients useful for eye health.
Alcohol consumption is absolutely eliminated as it contributes to worsening dry eye condition.

Final Consideration for Dry Eye Remedies

Most remedies are extraordinarily effective if dryness is mild.
But it can be completely ineffective, when the pathological state progresses and becomes more acute.
In this case, natural remedies can be completely useless, then you will have to take another type of treatment to solve the problem.

Edward Baker
Why do I blush often?

Often you wonder Why do I blush often?
Most people blush sometimes , especially when they feel shy or embarrassed.
But when you blush randomly on the areas of the cheeks, forehead, or chin, rosacea may be the culprit .
Use a high-factor sunscreen every day, as sunlight is detrimental to the redness of rosacea.
Be careful with that!
Rosacea refers to a skin disease characterized by redness of the skin and pimples on the face (nose, forehead, cheeks, chin).

In some cases, it even affects the eyes and eyelids when the sensations of pain and burning appear in these places.

Why do I blush often?

Here's the explanation to the question Why do I blush often? keep reading.
She will probably suffer from Rosacea .
If you do not use the natural treatment of rosacea, it will become progressive, and this denotes that the situation will worsen. However, it may be cyclical in some patients.
Do not stop reading: Tips for a good diet .
Rosacea is more common in women and people with fair skin .
Rosacea is a permanent condition of the skin, which does not undergo treatment. Only periodically has ups and downs.

Since it is different from teenage acne, most patients never heal from rosacea , as there is no permanent treatment.
You can only reduce the symptoms of rosacea. The disease is not contagious and is not spread by contact or inhalation.

Symptoms of rosacea

You may notice the following symptoms of rosacea:
  • Redness over the characteristic of this disease areas.
  • Small red or large bumps on the center of the face and nose (pustules are different in character not seen as pimples and blackheads)
  • Remarkable small blood vessels on the cheeks and nose (telangiectasias)
  • Burning of the eyes or granular sensation (ocular rosacea)
  • Predisposition at sight

Cause of rosacea

No one knows exactly what rosacea produces . But there are a number of factors that can cause and aggravate rosacea:
  • Spicy foods
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Sunlight
  • Stress, anger or shame
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Hot baths, saunas
  • Corticosteroids
Identifying and avoiding the triggers of rosacea can be a useful way to control the symptoms of rosacea.
There is a tendency for it to develop genetically and generally people who suffer from it have clear skin.
Patients should consult with their physicians to ensure their skin care.
It is recommended to clean the face with a mild, non-abrasive cleaner .
Then rinse with warm water and dry the face dry with a thick cotton towel. 
Never use a rough towel.

Rosacea Treatment

Why do I blush often? Redness can be relieved with antibiotic treatment of rosacea.
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When the case is not so severe then it can be cured with antibiotic creams, but even if it comes to the disease you can get better with rosacea antibiotic treatment.
There are common side effects that need to be taken into account: Increased sensitivity to sunlight, which can lead to severe burns, permanent discoloration of teeth if given to children, decreased bone growth rate , Decreased contraceptive effectiveness .
It is always important that you go to your doctor to study your case carefully and have a treatment that is right for you.

Edward Baker
Tips for caring for teeth during the holidays

Do you want to learn some tips to take care of teeth during the holidays naturally?
After Christmas, the number of cavities is tripled. We do not say it, but the members of the European Academy of Dental Aesthetics.
And is that during the holidays we lower our guard and forget some basic rules to maintain dental health.
It is very important to have a perfect teeth and a face.
What should I do to properly care for my teeth?
Here are some tips.

Tips for caring for teeth during the holidays

Here are some tips to take care of your teeth during the holidays and always be spectacular.
Checked: On New Year's Day no one washes teeth after the bells, grapes and the subsequent revelry.
Cava, cider or toast champagne, as well as grape, contain a lot of sugar from which bacteria are nourished.
Do not stop reading: Tips for not sweating .
It quickly becomes plaque and damages our gums. Do not lie in bed without brushing your teeth!
At Christmas, holidays for everything, except for orthodontic appliances.
They do not have any day off if you want your treatment to progress as it should.
Nougat jijona is not the worst for your teeth.
Although it contains sugar, it also has egg, almond and oil, beneficial for the teeth.
The worst nougats are those of "pineapple flavor", with dulce de leche, strawberries, saturated with artificial sugars.
If you drink a lot of wine or cava, try to take some pieces of cheese to counteract the sugar intake.

What to eat to take care of teeth naturally?

Cheese contains calcium, phosphorus and casein, which reduce plaque and stimulate the production of saliva.
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The champagne, in addition, is added carbonic acid to produce the bubbles.
White wine (Riesling, for example) and champagne have been shown to be more erosive than red wine for both enamel and dental root cementum. 
Erosive capacity increases with temperature.
Black chocolate is much healthier than milk chocolate because of its antioxidant effect, which also provides cardiovascular protection.
Milk chocolate loses these properties in containing more sugars.
Olive oil protects your teeth from tooth decay and tooth wear.
For example, canned sardines with olive oil provide protein, calcium, phosphorus and a layer of oil on the tooth that caries bacteria are not able to penetrate.


Choose sugar-free gum, which stimulates the production of saliva.

Saliva has a direct protective effect on the teeth by neutralizing the acidic pH produced by the bacteria or the food and drinks we ingest.
A curiosity: Human saliva produces a natural painkiller called Opiorfina, ten times more important than morphine.
Watch out for sugar substitutes, many also contain calories.
Sorbitol, for example, can cause cavities. Others camouflage glucose and fructose that damage the tooth enamel.
Suggest that your partner give you a cleaning and a teeth whitening as a gift of Kings.
You will be giving light to your smile and face, and security for yourself.

Edward Baker
Tips for taking care of yourself after 15 years

Throughout the different stages of life you have to give the skin and hair some basic attention.
Keeping your balance and prolonging your youth and beauty is essential .
As we always say the skin is the largest organ of our body, it must accompany us throughout our lives and protects us from environmental conditions .
Here we leave some  tips to take care of you from the 15 years you should keep in mind so your skin will suffer as little as possible during that important change in the body.
We are aware that not all women of the same age have exactly the same characteristics.

Tips for taking care of yourself after 15 years

Factors such as genetics , the care we have offered, our lifestyle and location make the one we are going to explain is not an exact science.
But it will certainly help you to see where the areas of special attention are.
The 15 is the age of curiosity and discovery .
At this age odors, textures and presentation of cosmetics matter more than results.
It is the time, undoubtedly, to establish the routines of beauty that have to accompany us throughout our lives.

Take care of the face

One of the most troublesome facial problems at your age is acne .
To prevent its increase is important to act from the first symptoms.
That will be when the dermocosmetic treatments will have more effectiveness.
Do not stop reading: Tips for acne .
If you are a serious case you should go to the dermatologist. Hygiene is one of the most important aspects in the treatment of acne.
You have to clean, tone and moisturize your face tomorrow and night with specific products.
And more importantly, do not touch your face or squeeze the pimples.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that with the fat you may have on your face you do not need to hydrate yourself.
One thing is fat and the other is hydration. 
The are necessary visits to the beauty salon for cleaning in depth of each of the comedones.

The makeup

He must be very discreet. We recommend a little shine on the lips and if the skin is very muted a little pink rouge to wake her.
Do not stop reading: Tips for makeup .
Too much makeup at your age is inappropriate.

Take care of the body

The main problem that can appear at this moment is that the birth of the feminine curves or the increase of weight can give rise to the striae.
These internal scars of the skin have difficult treatment so it is better to prevent their appearance , keeping the skin very moisturized.
How to make them disappear is very difficult, it is best to prevent them.
And that's why nothing simpler than moisturizing the skin well to be flexible and perfectly adapt to the changes that your body suffers.

To take care of the hair

At this age, it is easy for you to have fat problems on the scalp, especially in young people with oily skin.
It is advisable not to touch the hair too much , so as not to run the fat on the hair shaft.

If it is necessary to wash the hair every day it is advisable to use a seborrhea regulating shampoo but with a mild cleansing base.

Basic cosmetics

Acne skins should use facial cleansers (milks, gels and tonics) to normalize excess fat.
Purifying products to treat pimples offer good results.
Makeup discreet, with soft tones. In case of greasy hair is recommended a shampoo regulator of fat but soft base.
Extreme sun protection in summer .
At first it may seem that the sun dries up the fat on the face, but then a rebound effect occurs. Choose special photoprotectors for oily and non-comedogenic skin.

Edward Baker