Tips for jogging without tiring

When we start an exercise routine that involves running, we soon become discouraged because we tire very fast. This discourages us and we give up our training plan, with some tricks and tips to jog without getting tired you can avoid falling into old habits of sedentarism .
With these simple tips you will be able to trot without limits to train your body and to support what you demand of him.
Do not overreact , it is the first advice you should follow when it comes to jogging.
It can be frustrating to start small by little in our path while other runners pass us by and share their achievements in social networks but, perseverance is your best ally when it comes to running. What's the hurry?
It requires your body as much as it can give and a little more , this will accustom you to new demands every week.
The first week you go jogging do it for only five minutes if you have been completely sedentary. Go increasing gradually each week until you reach the time you want to jog , sooner or later you will achieve.

Tips and tips for jogging without tiring

To control your heart rate you can use a monitor or control it manually several times during the jog.
You can regulate your exercise knowing your maximum heart rate , for this is enough to subtract your age to 220. When you start to train you must keep your heart rate to 65% of the value you get . You must keep it until you feel how your resistance has increased, then increase the intensity to achieve a heart rate at 85% of your maximum rate.

Breathe well when running

Yes, running for a short period of time should not tire you, but it does. If you end up breathing as if you had asthma or a deadly state of pneumonia you do not have the proper respiratory technique .
Breathing well is necessary from the moment you decide to run. This will become a habit that you will constantly maintain when you increase the distance and the time to go. To know the importance of breathing in running you should know that when we breathe, the oxygen we take goes to our cells and helps with the burning of glucose to convert it into energy . The oxygen we take helps to make energy molecules known as ATP. Without this energy our muscles will not work properly.
To breathe properly you must train your body to be more efficient by taking advantage of oxygen. Negating the required amounts of oxygen will increase respiratory capacity, allowing us to take more advantage of oxygen with each breath . To achieve this skill you must practice a technique known as the swimmer's breathing .

Swimmer's breathing

When you start running breathe the least you need , that is, breathe slowly as if you were walking. You must habituate to your body to run with the minimum amount of oxygen in order to be more efficient in the use of it .
This technique stimulates the circulatory system. The heart beats faster to bring more blood to the muscles and compensate for the lack of oxygen. Once you have mastered the technique then you should start to set the breathing rate , keeping your breath at a steady pace allows you to concentrate on running.
Proper breathing prevents bad postures and introduces your mind into a state of maximum concentration that will keep you away from the fatigue and discomfort that causes you to run.
For strong rhythms a 2: 2 breath is appropriate ie you inhale every two strides and exhale every two.For a slow running pace a 3: 3 breath is appropriate, which means you inhale every 3 strides and exhale every 3.
The SEALS recommend a rhythm of 3: that is, inhale three strides and exhale to 2 . Given the long morning races they do during the week is correct to take their example. To apply these techniques you must remember to breathe through the mouth and nose, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth , never the reverse as it will enter contaminated air and low temperatures into your lungs.

Running contractures

There is another technique that you can apply in a lot of races when you feel that you are starting to contracturarte . This is caused by very tense postures when it comes to running like having very straight shoulders or very tense neck, these discomforts can lower your performance and get tired before time .
To apply it you just have to raise your arms and inhale deeply as you open-close your hands and turn your head , this you can do in the middle of the race.

Other tricks and tips for jogging without tiring

Keep in mind the following recommendations, follow our advice and you will see how with these simple tips for jogging without getting tired you will get excellent results in the long run.


It is a key step to not get tired, you must maintain a good diet and fill you with energy that is easy to burn for your cells, that is, carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are degraded to small amounts of sugars in the bloodstream and muscles in the form of glycogen. The glucose that is not used is stored in the liver and is used when the reserves in the bodydecrease .
Consuming inadequate carbohydrates or small amounts can make you tired while jogging, which is why you should consume bran bread, fruit and yogurt two hours before training.

He sleeps

You should sleep 8 to 10 hours during the night before jogging to improve your performance. With some tips to sleep better this will not be great problem, otherwise the fatigue will be transferred to your training.

How to improve running resistance

If your body still does not get used to training try to run at intervals , jog for 1 minute and walk for 4, do it about three times and you have trained 20 minutes. When this becomes easier you can double the jogging time and reduce the time in which you walk by one minute, continue that way until you reduce the walking time to 0 and you can jog 20 minutes without tiring yourself .
The race pace should be smooth enough to allow you to talk to someone while jogging .
When you jog comfortably 20 minutes it increases 5 minutes and continues like this until you reach your goal. Then, when you jog 40 minutes alters the days running 30 and 40 minutes to allow your body to recover .

Improve speed when running

When you achieve the above reduces the number of runs for 10 minutes but, running at a higher speed . When your body becomes accustomed it returns to your previous time.
As you make adjustments to jog faster in your easy runs, take them out according to their original length . He runs shorter median races at a faster rate. Once you master them, slowly increase your medium runs until you reach their original duration.
Once your fastest rhythm becomes your new "normal" rhythm, repeat the process to add more speed with a much faster pace.

Helpful tips

  • Hydrate yourself while you are not thirsty, if you let your body tell you that you are thirsty, you will have reduced your performance .
  • Purchase running shoes and avoid injuries.
  • If you have heart problems or breathing problems consult your doctor before training.
  • Listen to motivational music, 80's music and action movie soundtrack is suitable for running. Or you can visit YouTube and find a whole repertoire of special motivational songs to run.
These tips for jogging without tiring require a lot of patience and perseverance. If you stay true to the training plan you will soon be able to run for a long time without worrying about fatigue.