Tips for taking care of yourself after 15 years

Throughout the different stages of life you have to give the skin and hair some basic attention.
Keeping your balance and prolonging your youth and beauty is essential .
As we always say the skin is the largest organ of our body, it must accompany us throughout our lives and protects us from environmental conditions .
Here we leave some  tips to take care of you from the 15 years you should keep in mind so your skin will suffer as little as possible during that important change in the body.
We are aware that not all women of the same age have exactly the same characteristics.

Tips for taking care of yourself after 15 years

Factors such as genetics , the care we have offered, our lifestyle and location make the one we are going to explain is not an exact science.
But it will certainly help you to see where the areas of special attention are.
The 15 is the age of curiosity and discovery .
At this age odors, textures and presentation of cosmetics matter more than results.
It is the time, undoubtedly, to establish the routines of beauty that have to accompany us throughout our lives.

Take care of the face

One of the most troublesome facial problems at your age is acne .
To prevent its increase is important to act from the first symptoms.
That will be when the dermocosmetic treatments will have more effectiveness.
Do not stop reading: Tips for acne .
If you are a serious case you should go to the dermatologist. Hygiene is one of the most important aspects in the treatment of acne.
You have to clean, tone and moisturize your face tomorrow and night with specific products.
And more importantly, do not touch your face or squeeze the pimples.
Do not make the mistake of thinking that with the fat you may have on your face you do not need to hydrate yourself.
One thing is fat and the other is hydration. 
The are necessary visits to the beauty salon for cleaning in depth of each of the comedones.

The makeup

He must be very discreet. We recommend a little shine on the lips and if the skin is very muted a little pink rouge to wake her.
Do not stop reading: Tips for makeup .
Too much makeup at your age is inappropriate.

Take care of the body

The main problem that can appear at this moment is that the birth of the feminine curves or the increase of weight can give rise to the striae.
These internal scars of the skin have difficult treatment so it is better to prevent their appearance , keeping the skin very moisturized.
How to make them disappear is very difficult, it is best to prevent them.
And that's why nothing simpler than moisturizing the skin well to be flexible and perfectly adapt to the changes that your body suffers.

To take care of the hair

At this age, it is easy for you to have fat problems on the scalp, especially in young people with oily skin.
It is advisable not to touch the hair too much , so as not to run the fat on the hair shaft.

If it is necessary to wash the hair every day it is advisable to use a seborrhea regulating shampoo but with a mild cleansing base.

Basic cosmetics

Acne skins should use facial cleansers (milks, gels and tonics) to normalize excess fat.
Purifying products to treat pimples offer good results.
Makeup discreet, with soft tones. In case of greasy hair is recommended a shampoo regulator of fat but soft base.
Extreme sun protection in summer .
At first it may seem that the sun dries up the fat on the face, but then a rebound effect occurs. Choose special photoprotectors for oily and non-comedogenic skin.