Tips for caring for teeth during the holidays

Do you want to learn some tips to take care of teeth during the holidays naturally?
After Christmas, the number of cavities is tripled. We do not say it, but the members of the European Academy of Dental Aesthetics.
And is that during the holidays we lower our guard and forget some basic rules to maintain dental health.
It is very important to have a perfect teeth and a face.
What should I do to properly care for my teeth?
Here are some tips.

Tips for caring for teeth during the holidays

Here are some tips to take care of your teeth during the holidays and always be spectacular.
Checked: On New Year's Day no one washes teeth after the bells, grapes and the subsequent revelry.
Cava, cider or toast champagne, as well as grape, contain a lot of sugar from which bacteria are nourished.
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It quickly becomes plaque and damages our gums. Do not lie in bed without brushing your teeth!
At Christmas, holidays for everything, except for orthodontic appliances.
They do not have any day off if you want your treatment to progress as it should.
Nougat jijona is not the worst for your teeth.
Although it contains sugar, it also has egg, almond and oil, beneficial for the teeth.
The worst nougats are those of "pineapple flavor", with dulce de leche, strawberries, saturated with artificial sugars.
If you drink a lot of wine or cava, try to take some pieces of cheese to counteract the sugar intake.

What to eat to take care of teeth naturally?

Cheese contains calcium, phosphorus and casein, which reduce plaque and stimulate the production of saliva.
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The champagne, in addition, is added carbonic acid to produce the bubbles.
White wine (Riesling, for example) and champagne have been shown to be more erosive than red wine for both enamel and dental root cementum. 
Erosive capacity increases with temperature.
Black chocolate is much healthier than milk chocolate because of its antioxidant effect, which also provides cardiovascular protection.
Milk chocolate loses these properties in containing more sugars.
Olive oil protects your teeth from tooth decay and tooth wear.
For example, canned sardines with olive oil provide protein, calcium, phosphorus and a layer of oil on the tooth that caries bacteria are not able to penetrate.


Choose sugar-free gum, which stimulates the production of saliva.

Saliva has a direct protective effect on the teeth by neutralizing the acidic pH produced by the bacteria or the food and drinks we ingest.
A curiosity: Human saliva produces a natural painkiller called Opiorfina, ten times more important than morphine.
Watch out for sugar substitutes, many also contain calories.
Sorbitol, for example, can cause cavities. Others camouflage glucose and fructose that damage the tooth enamel.
Suggest that your partner give you a cleaning and a teeth whitening as a gift of Kings.
You will be giving light to your smile and face, and security for yourself.