Tips for Dry Eye Syndrome

Read our Tips for Dry Eye Syndrome if you have this problem.Before examining the solutions, you should know more about the disease called "dry eye".
As the name implies, the eyes dry out.
This is due to the lack of lubrication of the surface of the eye, which causes a painful condition.
Turning red and irritated, you also have the sensation of having a foreign body in the eye and the vision becomes blurred.
Here are some Tips for dry eye syndrome that you should try if you have this disease, they really work.
Put them to the test and check the results.

Tips for Dry Eye Syndrome

What is the cause of this syndrome?
Note that…

Tears and dry eye

Tears contain water, lipids, antibodies and proteins: all these components of tears help keep eyes moist and lubricated, which also increases the resistance to infection of the eyes.
Dryness of the eyes is a condition caused mainly by bad lubrication of the eye, which may depend on natural aging, an eye infection ... etc.

The most severe forms of dry eye depend, on the other hand, for trauma to the eyes or for having taken certain very powerful medicines.

The most common symptoms of dry eye are:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Redness of the eyes
  • blurry vision
  • Excessive sensitivity to light
  • The sensation of having the dust or a foreign body in the eye

Herbal and herbal remedies for dry eye

Among the most effective natural remedies there are definitely herbal remedies, in fact, contain many substances with beneficial properties, which are often exploited in these types of treatments.

Lemon juice, tomato and lentil flour

An excellent remedy for dry eye is to make a lemon juice paste.
Mixed with tomato concentrate, lentil flour and turmeric powder: the paste obtained is applied under the eyes, in order to reduce the condition of dry eyes.

Castor oil and almond oil

Castor oil and almond oil helps to provide moisture in the eyes and reduce dry eye condition.
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Both of these oils can be applied under the eyes, so that the skin around the eyes is more moist.
It is castor oil and almond oil even more efficient than many moisturizers.

The cucumber

One remedy that can be used to reduce the problem of dry eye syndrome is cucumber.
You have to get a fresh cucumber, preferably also cold and cut into slices.
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Place the cucumber slices in the eyes, to provide moisture and reduce dryness.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a substance found in all organisms that live in the human body.
Hyaluronic acid is used in the treatment of dry eye syndrome because when applied on the surface of the eye, it significantly reduces the symptoms and damage associated with this syndrome.

Nuts, sesame seeds, grapes, almonds and whole grains

In addition to medicinal herbs for topical use, it is worth mentioning another remedy.
Include in your diet nuts, sesame seeds, grapes, almonds and whole grain cereals helps reduce dry eye condition, as these foods contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Home Remedies for Dry Eye

Home remedies, that is, so-called traditional remedies, are very often the most effective of the treatments themselves.
So it can be very useful to try out some of these dry eye remedies.

Hot compresses

One of the simplest remedies against dry eye is to prepare a warm compress.
Wet a cloth, necessarily clean, with warm water, moistening the fabric, and apply over the eyes.
This remedy can also be done two or three times a day.

The diet

As for the diet, it is recommended to increase the intake of fish.
Do not stop reading: Tips for a good diet .
Because the oils in these foods are an excellent remedy that increases lubrication of the eyes.
Also the consumption of fish promotes the proper activity of the lacrimal ducts.
On the contrary, it could help reduce consumption of white bread, processed foods, margarine, vegetable oils and refined cereals.
In the diet, besides, a correct intake of water should not be lacking.
However, an abundant consumption of citrus and liquids such as fruit juices and green vegetables, contain nutrients useful for eye health.
Alcohol consumption is absolutely eliminated as it contributes to worsening dry eye condition.

Final Consideration for Dry Eye Remedies

Most remedies are extraordinarily effective if dryness is mild.
But it can be completely ineffective, when the pathological state progresses and becomes more acute.
In this case, natural remedies can be completely useless, then you will have to take another type of treatment to solve the problem.