Why do I blush often?

Often you wonder Why do I blush often?
Most people blush sometimes , especially when they feel shy or embarrassed.
But when you blush randomly on the areas of the cheeks, forehead, or chin, rosacea may be the culprit .
Use a high-factor sunscreen every day, as sunlight is detrimental to the redness of rosacea.
Be careful with that!
Rosacea refers to a skin disease characterized by redness of the skin and pimples on the face (nose, forehead, cheeks, chin).

In some cases, it even affects the eyes and eyelids when the sensations of pain and burning appear in these places.

Why do I blush often?

Here's the explanation to the question Why do I blush often? keep reading.
She will probably suffer from Rosacea .
If you do not use the natural treatment of rosacea, it will become progressive, and this denotes that the situation will worsen. However, it may be cyclical in some patients.
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Rosacea is more common in women and people with fair skin .
Rosacea is a permanent condition of the skin, which does not undergo treatment. Only periodically has ups and downs.

Since it is different from teenage acne, most patients never heal from rosacea , as there is no permanent treatment.
You can only reduce the symptoms of rosacea. The disease is not contagious and is not spread by contact or inhalation.

Symptoms of rosacea

You may notice the following symptoms of rosacea:
  • Redness over the characteristic of this disease areas.
  • Small red or large bumps on the center of the face and nose (pustules are different in character not seen as pimples and blackheads)
  • Remarkable small blood vessels on the cheeks and nose (telangiectasias)
  • Burning of the eyes or granular sensation (ocular rosacea)
  • Predisposition at sight

Cause of rosacea

No one knows exactly what rosacea produces . But there are a number of factors that can cause and aggravate rosacea:
  • Spicy foods
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Sunlight
  • Stress, anger or shame
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Hot baths, saunas
  • Corticosteroids
Identifying and avoiding the triggers of rosacea can be a useful way to control the symptoms of rosacea.
There is a tendency for it to develop genetically and generally people who suffer from it have clear skin.
Patients should consult with their physicians to ensure their skin care.
It is recommended to clean the face with a mild, non-abrasive cleaner .
Then rinse with warm water and dry the face dry with a thick cotton towel. 
Never use a rough towel.

Rosacea Treatment

Why do I blush often? Redness can be relieved with antibiotic treatment of rosacea.
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When the case is not so severe then it can be cured with antibiotic creams, but even if it comes to the disease you can get better with rosacea antibiotic treatment.
There are common side effects that need to be taken into account: Increased sensitivity to sunlight, which can lead to severe burns, permanent discoloration of teeth if given to children, decreased bone growth rate , Decreased contraceptive effectiveness .
It is always important that you go to your doctor to study your case carefully and have a treatment that is right for you.