Tips for taking care of your skin in winter

Follow some tips to take care of your skin in winter and achieve a radiant dermis all year round.
In these days that the cold is at the order of the day , our skin begins to suffer more of the count.
Especially in our skin, since it is one of the areas of our body where the skin is thinner and therefore , the more you will notice these changes.
It is exposed directly to rain, cold or snow .
So we have to know what care our skin needs in winter so that it leaves no mark.
We recommend some tips to take care of the skin in winter that are ideal and that you can choose according to the needs of your skin.

Put them into practice and check the results.

Tips for taking care of your skin in winter

The application of masks is the best solution for a smooth, smooth and beautiful skin, protecting it from the inclement weather naturally and without ending at the same time with your budget.
Keep in mind that not all skin needs the same care , so it is essential that care is focused on the type of skin that we have.

Sensitive Skin Care in Winter

All skin types suffer in a special way during this time of year, but if there is a skin type that is really bad it is sensitive skin , mainly due to abrupt changes in temperature.
These are, changes in temperature in sensitive skin often affect redness and even so, sometimes, can lead to more serious skin conditions.

All skin can suffer sensitivity problems so it is necessary to take the necessary precautions in all of them ( dry, mixed or fat ).
It is important to have a moisturizing cream for sensitive skin.
The application should be repeated whenever the skin feels tight or dry, as this is the main symptom that indicates that our skin is suffering.

Yogurt and sugar mask, effective for tired skin

Apply a little natural yogurt mixed with a tablespoon of sugar , avoiding the area around the eyes.
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Relax for 20 to 15 minutes and rinse your face with fresh water.
This mask softens, rejuvenates and restores the pH balance in your skin, protecting it from the winter air.

Oily skin mask with large pores

Apply an egg yolk to the face, let it act for half an hour, then rinse with water.

This mask will create a natural barrier that will protect the skin from the cold winter winds.

Oatmeal mask, a great remedy for the skin battered by cold weather

To prepare it, mix in equal proportions oats, egg yolks and honey.
Leave the mask about 20 minutes and then wash with warm water.
After application, you will notice soft, fresh skin.

Avocado mask, perfect for dry and irritated skin in winter

In most cases, the problem of sensitivity on the skin is associated with dry and dehydrated skin , so with the arrival of cold, extreme caution.
Skin hydration has never been neglected, so it is advisable to use it in nourishing creams .
Because they allow our skin to regain balance and hydration.
It is easy to make, crush the avocado flesh with a fork, add a touch of olive oil (5 drops) and apply this mixture on the face.
This nourishing mask will provide the skin with a lot of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and agents that favor winter dryness.
Other elements that you can include in the masks, depending on the type of skin, are:
Dry skin: olive oil, warm honey, cream and avocado.
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Oily skin: yeast, warm milk, tomato, cucumber, egg and carrots.

Other Tips for Taking Care of Your Skin in Winter

It is advisable to use makeup in cream during the winter, because in this way we ensure a second skin.
It is important to apply sun protection , as the ultraviolet rays of the sun continue to affect our skin in winter.
Factor 15 or Factor 20 protection is recommended.
It is important to protect the skin of our body properly with hats, gloves, scarves , etc ...
Since the sudden changes of temperature affect very negatively in our skin, as we have seen.
It is important to take care of our skin in winter and to take into account some feminine beauty tricks , so that with the arrival of good weather, our skin will look bright, and we will prevent the premature aging of our skin.