Tips to prevent hair loss

Are you looking for tips to prevent hair loss?
It is a reality: millions of people suffer problems of fine hair, devitalized and hair loss. 
It is of no use deceiving us with the best fall arrest treatments that we are sold if we do not take into account the way we feed ourselves.
The primary objective we must achieve is to provide nutrients that act from within and favor optimum hair nutrition, giving it vitality and shine.
Do not miss these tips!
Here I bring some tips to prevent hair loss, causes, and how to take care of the inside to prevent it.

Pollen, brewer's yeast, sprouts of alfalfa, nettle, spirulina, chlorella installs, beets ... may be some of our nutritional allies to stop hair loss and strengthen them.

Tips to prevent hair loss

Hair loss can appear as a result of many different factors.
It may be due to a genetic predisposition, as is the case of male pattern baldness, involving male sex hormones or androgens.

Causes of Hair Loss

It can also be by a natural aging process in which the hair becomes increasingly thinner.
Although this process often originates in puberty as a result of poor diet and other bad habits.
Do not stop reading: Tips for a good diet .
And also the hair fall after giving birth, by the hormonal changes that the woman suffers.
But there are also other  factors  such as poor circulation, skin diseases, stress, iron deficiency, heavy menstrual periods, thyroid disease and vitamin and mineral deficiency.
With good prevention through nutrition and nutritional supplementation, we can help curb hair loss and improve your appearance.

Strong and elastic connective tissue = strong and shiny hair

Hair, as well as skin, nails, cartilage and bones, contain connective  tissue  , also called connective tissue.
This tissue is made up of protein and acts as a protector of our body. 
It is what allows the entry of nutrients into cells and also the exit of toxins.
If we have poor connective tissue quality, the cells will not work efficiently because they will have an accumulation of toxins and a lack of nutrients.
This will favor the loss of elasticity of connective tissue and fragile hair and nails.
Therefore, in order to achieve strong hair, we must strive to keep the connective tissue healthy.
And how? For with nutrients such as silicon, it helps the natural production of collagen and keratin, major components of hair, skin and nails.
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Other interesting nutrients are vitamin C, zinc, iron, amino acids such as L-proline, L-cysteine, L-methionine, B vitamins and antioxidant nutrients.

Hair and nervous system: closely related

When we go through a period of nervousness and stress we often notice that our hair falls more than usual or even suffer from flaking problems.
Well, the skin and the nervous system are closely related from the moment the fetus is formed, since they start from the same embryonic layer.
For this reason, the emotions and feelings are reflected in the skin and also to the scalp. 

In this case, it will be essential to provide foods rich in B vitamins, which nourish the  nervous system .

And also the DHA, omega-3 fatty acid family, which favors a good psychic-emotional balance rather than acting as a potent brain antioxidant.
Within the group of B vitamins, vitamin B  5  - also called biotin - is important, which is essential for the health of the hair and helps to minimize the fall. 
Biotin is found in whole grains, legumes, brewer's yeast, sunflower seeds and nuts.

Hair Care Begins Inside

If we really want to strengthen our hair, it is important to act from within. 
If our body receives the nutrients it needs, we will have a hair that looks brighter and healthier.
Therefore, we must try to consume foods that nourish the nervous system, foods that strengthen the connective tissue and foods that favor a good detoxification.
First we have to prepare the organism to favor a good assimilation and absorption of nutrients with foods that do not generate much toxicity.
Avoid fried foods, industrial pastries, excess sausages and meats ... - and with the consumption of vegetables, fruits, vegetable protein, fish or nuts.
Also, it will be interesting to supplement the diet with detoxicating plants such as boldo or thistle mariano, to help eliminate accumulated toxins.
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And with probiotics and prebiotics, to promote good intestinal health and improve the correct absorption of nutrients.
Once prepared the ground, we must pay with nutrients that favor a good health of the skin and the hair.
Both with the help of nutritional supplements designed to promote good health of the hair, skin and nails as with the incorporation of foods such as nuts, whole grains, legumes, algae, vegetables and vegetables.

Natural cosmetics: the great ally of your hair

It is also interesting to massage the scalp every day, and it is important not to use products with synthetic ingredients, which can often cause allergic reactions.
Avoid shampoos containing sodium lauryl sulfate or SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), a highly irritating surfactant, and opt for shampoos with natural ingredients and the ecological certificate.

The treatment of hair loss

The treatment of hair loss can be oral or topical.
Oral treatment
They contain a series of components among which are:
L-Cystine: gives shine and favors the synthesis of keratin (a protein that is the main component of hair).
Zinc: stimulates the formation of keratin and protects against oxidative damage.

Biotin: regulates sebaceous secretion.
Group B vitamins: restorative, regulating capillary cycle and sebaceous secretion.
Taurine: favors the formation of keratin.
Serenoa repens: increases the duration of the capillary cycle and decreases sebaceous secretion.
Millet extract: rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fats and capilectin that slow down the fall and stimulate growth.
Catechins: they favor the microcirculation at the level of the capillary bulb.
Topical treatment
Among the components found in topical preparations we have:
Minoxidil: lengthens the capillary growth phase. It is used in concentrations of 2 to 5%. The most common side effects are irritation, headache, hypotension and seborrhea.
Serenoa> serrulata: increases the duration of the capillary cycle and decreases sebaceous secretion.
Melatonin: is antioxidant, stimulates stem cells favoring the growth phase.
Ginkgo biloba: a vasodilator that increases follicular irrigation, slows hair aging and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Stemoxydine: favors the hair renaissance.
The lotions will be applied on clean and dry hair with a massage to promote penetration and circulation.
Lotions or bottles are more effective than shampoos because they are longer in contact with the scalp.
Anti-fall shampoos are complementary to oral treatments and lotions.

Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Application of the cooking of 2 tablespoons of thyme and 2 tablespoons of rosemary. 
Boil 2 glasses of water and add the plants at the time of boiling. 
We let it rest for 3 minutes, we paste and apply it on the scalp giving a light massage with the fingers, we can do it 3 days a week.
If the fall is very severe, we can liquefy a red onion, and the extracted liquid, give us a light massage on the scalp with unwashed hair, we can do it for a week every day.

Tips to prevent hair loss and proper care

  • It is necessary to brush the hair every day, to remove the stuck remains.
  • The comb should be done with a comb that has sharp edges; Avoid strained and forced hairstyles.
  • The hair should be washed 1 to 2 times a week, rinsing well with soft water, and drying at a moderate temperature.
  • Avoid coloring and discoloring your hair too often.


  • The fall has nothing to do with the length of hair. Both long and short hair fall.
  • Washing your hair frequently is not harmful. Will not fall more to wash more. It should be done in a daily shampoo.
  • The use of lacquers or glitters does not harm the hair, but can help protect it.
  • The use of caps is not harmful, but may even help protect the hair.
  • Shaving your hair frequently will not help you to be stronger.
  • The use of local vitamins will help you.
  • There are many types of alopecia and each needs a specific treatment. Only the hairdresser or doctor will tell us which is best for us.