Tips for making a natural cleansing tonic

Discover how to cleanse your face easily with some tips to make a natural tonic cleanser.Tonics can often be considered a non-essential part of a skin care regimen , but a good tonic can really make a difference.
Tonics are mainly used as a second cleaning phase.
For the purpose of removing make-up and cleaning waste.
However, certain tonics can do more, like balancing the pH of the skin .
Here you will find some tips to make a natural tonic cleanser and always have a perfect skin.

Follow these directions.

Tips for making a natural cleansing tonic

Tonics containing acids for the skin can help restore the pH level of the skin, which is naturally acidic (5.5 on the pH scale).
balanced complexion is the perfect start to get skin free of imperfections.
A simple, low-cost acidic ingredient that can be used to create a tonic is apple cider vinegar , which is high in acetic acid.
Be sure to read: Tips for shaving .
A large number of people have experienced great benefits to using apple cider vinegar in their skin care routines.
Many people claim that they even managed to eliminate acne , acne scars faded and they got lighter skin.
Apple cider vinegar should never be applied undiluted to the skin .
Since you may experience a chemical reaction on the face.
Apple cider vinegar should always be diluted properly with water .
Here's a quick, easy, and inexpensive recipe to try!

What do you need

Apple cider vinegar, unpasteurized, unfiltered, raw.
-A bottle of clean glass.
- Dilution unit.
Cotton discs.


  1. Put 2 parts of apple cider vinegar and 4 parts filtered from the water into the jar or jar.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Wet the cotton with the mixture and apply it to clean skin avoiding the eye area.


A more balanced complexion and less stains.

If your skin reacts well to apple cider vinegar, you may be able to increase the 1: 1 ratio of vinegar and water for greater effectiveness.
If your skin does not react well to vinegar and gets irritated, rinse the skin thoroughly and apply a little aloe vera gel to the face to defuse irritation.