Tips for having healthy and strong nails

Do you break your nails at every step and urgently need some tips to have healthy and strong nails? Who does not want to have beautiful hands, but above all nails perfectly cared for and healthy?
We give you some tips to have healthy and strong nails naturally and without any effort, from your own home.
So that you always have the perfect nails.
To have strong and beautiful nails you must start from the beginning
There is probably a shortage of some nutrient in our body.

Tips for having healthy and strong nails

We consider that the nails are formed by amino acids, mineral salts and trace elements, but also by proteins and vitamins.
So there may be a shortage of zinc or vitamin H or perhaps keratin or arginia . With a simple test you can easily find out what exactly it lacks.
But for anemia, for example, this is one of the most potent causes.

Strengthen nails

The causes of brittle nails is mostly due to deficiencies of iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin B5 and vitamin A .
It is possible, of course, other triggers, perhaps an inherited or thyroid problem, or if you smoke, which is definitely a problem or if perhaps you drink little water during the day.
Stress greatly affects nail health.

Strengthen nails in a natural way with water and energy

Water is always essential and you should drink two liters a day, just so you can maintain a good level of hydration and eliminate toxins.
Then you have to start studying yourself.
So in reality if we never discard those foods that help us strengthen our nails, we will never compensate for their lack.
Be sure to read: Tips for good nutrition .
For this not to happen, we must take a supplement .
Let us see in detail which foods are suitable to strengthen the nails.

  • Yogurt, cheese, salmon, anchovies, octopus, arugula, soy, almonds, spinach, broccoli, chicory, dried figs and green leafy vegetables
  • Fish, whole grains, broccoli (silicon)
  • Shellfish, cacao, clams, frogs, oysters, sea bass, lentils, walnuts, prunes, dried figs, red meat, turkey, seafood and legumes
  • Garlic, onion, wheat germ and cauliflower (sulfur)
  • Crustaceans (molybdenum and proteins)
  • Oysters, eggs, legumes, broccoli, brown rice, fish, garlic, wheat germ, fish (zinc)
  • Oily fish, eggs, wheat germ, nuts and salmon (omega3)

Natural Remedies to Strengthen Nails

External aid is also needed. Nails can be reinforced with poultices, oils, teas and creams .
We see the ingredients available to us:
  • Sweet almond oil, olive oil, castor oil and wheat germ oil
  • Coconut butter and shea butter
  • lemon
  • horsetail
  • sodium bicarbonate
  • Avocado meat
  • honey
  • yoghurt
  • essential oils
The moisturizer is always key, as long as it contains natural ingredients.
Do not miss: Tips to decorate your nails . 


It is good to put some lemon juice, helps the hands are whiter and nails and makes them more moisturized.
The oils are naturally very nutritious, are coated and allowed to act for at least ten minutes.
The same applies to coconut butter and shea butter .
Another natural remedy for strengthening the nails is the ponytail in which the nails are soaked for a quarter of an hour.
Dip your nails into baths with water and baking soda and also for toenails , because let's not forget that even your toenails can weaken and crumble.
scrub for hands and nails is very useful . 
Use an oil based on honey and baking soda until a grainy paste is formed to rub on the hands and nails, to remove impurities and dead cells.
You can use a mask to strengthen the nails and nourish them.
Maybe you are interested : Beauty tricks .
Mix avocado pulp with a spoonful of yogurt , 2 teaspoons honey, a few drops of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. 
Extend the mask of nails and hands and let it act for a quarter of an hour.
What about essential oils? There they are not forgotten. 

Essential oils

To strengthen the nails in a natural way you can make some good blends with olive oil and essential oils.
Cypress and eucalyptus for hydration.
Grapefruit, lavender and lemon to protect and strengthen nails.
Mint and rosemary to stimulate circulation and tea tree oil in case of infections or fungal lesions, as it is an excellent cure.

Heat the essential oil  chosen (castor oil, virgin, etc.), then add five drops of essential oil, mix and apply on nails.
Although garlic is an excellent ally.
It can mix and make us a compress. To fade the scent simply rinse your hands without rubbing each other.
Finally the butter , may seem silly, but it really works. 
It should melt and then sprinkle it, keep it as long as possible (one hour) and then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Other tips for having healthy and strong nails

There are some tips that we should always keep in mind if we want to have beautiful, healthy and strong nails.
For example: the enamel in question. The enamel hardener comes in well , helps strengthen the nail.
As long as there are no harmful ingredients present, but should be only on the day, at night, as all other nail polishes should be removed from the nail to let it breathe.
Detergents weaken your nails a lot, you should always wear gloves . 
Even if you work with paint or if you work in the garden it is good to keep the gloves on, especially if you are at a time when you are trying to strengthen the nails as they are particularly fragile.
Obviously  no smoking ,  no nail biting are always good advice.
As we have seen the nail strengthening process comprises several stages .
Proper nutrition, which is the best natural remedy, external care with home remedies and then the little tricks you need to remember to have your nails stronger, healthier and more beautiful.